Bowtie 親友推薦計劃之條款及細則

當你推薦朋友或家人購買保泰人壽保險有限公司(「Bowtie」)的指定保險產品時,Bowtie 親友推薦計劃(「推薦計劃」)將贈送獎賞予你。以下為推薦計劃之條款及細則:

1. 推薦計劃適用於以下第 6 段中列明、由 Bowtie 承保之保險產品(「合資格產品」)。

2. 推薦計劃於 2025 年 1 月 28 日至 2025 年 2 月 27 日生效(首尾兩天包括在內)(「推廣期」)。

3. 倘若於推廣期內,你持有至少一份有效之 保泰自願醫保計劃保單、保泰意外醫保計劃保單、保泰癌症醫保計劃保單、Bowtie 人壽保單或 Bowtie 危疾保單(「推薦人保單」),即合資格以推薦人身份(「推薦人」)參與推薦計劃。

4. 推薦人需登入 Bowtie 帳戶取得專屬推薦碼。

5. 一般情況,如推薦符合以下全部條件,即視作成功(「成功推薦」):

  • 獲推薦人士(「受薦人」)從未申請投購或持有過任何 Bowtie 合資格產品之保單或成為任何 Bowtie 合資格產品保單下的受保人;
  • 受薦人於推廣期內透過推薦人專屬推薦碼成功申請投保首個合資格產品(「受薦人保單」)及其保單於 2025 年 2 月 27 日或之前獲繕發並需維持有效至冷靜期完結;及
  • 推薦人及受薦人不是同一人

5.1. 推薦人為家庭成員投保,同樣視為(「成功推薦」);

  • 有關申請之受保人必須為投保人其配偶及子女,或其配偶的父母、祖父母、外祖父母或兄弟姊妹, 並且其新受保人從未申請投購或持有過任何 Bowtie 合資格產品之保單或成為任何 Bowtie 合資格產品保單下的受保人 (「合資格之家庭成員」)。
  • 推薦人於推廣期內透過其專屬推薦碼成功為合資格之家庭成員申請投保首個合資格產品及其保單於 2025 年 2 月 27 日或之前獲繕發並需維持有效至冷靜期完結;及
  • 在此情況下,推薦人被視為受薦人,而透過其專屬推薦碼為其合資格之家庭成員成功投保首個合資格產品亦被視為「受薦人保單」。

6. 每次成功推薦後,相關推薦人及受薦人將可獲下列所載之獎賞(「推薦獎賞」)。

  • 任何保泰自願醫保計劃
    - 推薦人獎賞:豁免 5 個月保費(每月最多港幣 $200 保費豁免)
    - 受薦人獎賞:首兩年保費 7 折
  • 保泰意外醫保計劃
    - 推薦人獎賞:豁免 5 個月保費(每月最多港幣 $200 保費豁免)
    - 受薦人獎賞:首年保費 3 折
  • 任何保泰癌症醫保計劃
    - 推薦人獎賞:豁免 5 個月保費(每月最多港幣 $200 保費豁免)
    - 受薦人獎賞:首年保費 3 折
  • Bowtie 人壽保
    - 推薦人獎賞:豁免 5 個月保費(每月最多港幣 $200 保費豁免)
    - 受薦人獎賞:首年保費 35 折
  • Bowtie 危疾保
    -  推薦人獎賞:豁免 5 個月保費(每月最多港幣 $200 保費豁免)
    - 受薦人獎賞:首年保費 3 折


7. 推薦人獎賞中的保費豁免將於受薦人保單獲繕發及生效至少 28 個曆日後顯示於推薦人的 Bowtie 帳戶,推薦人可登入 Bowtie 帳戶查看該保費豁免詳情。如推薦人的 Bowtie 帳戶中有多於一張有效之 Bowtie 保單,保費最高之保單將獲保費豁免。保費豁免將於下個須繳交正價保費之月份自動扣減。如推薦人正享有其他保費優惠,保費豁免將會順延。而受薦人獎賞中的保費豁免將於受薦人保單獲繕發後生效。

8. 惟獎賞發放時,受薦人保單及推薦人保單均必須仍然生效。如推薦人保單不再生效, 任何未生效的保費回贈將會被取消。

9. 推薦人獎賞中的保費豁免每月上限為港幣 $200,如推薦人保單之每月月費少於 $200,差額不能兌換現金或其他形式之補償。

10. 除非另有列明,受薦人獎賞不能與 Bowtie 任何其他推廣計劃同時使用,亦不能更改、退回、用作交換其他獎賞或兌換現金。

11. 推薦人及受薦人有責任提供真實及準確的資料予 Bowtie。倘若提供的資料失實或錯誤,Bowtie 保留權利扣留或撤銷推薦獎賞。於此情況下,Bowtie 將不作賠償或提供替代,Bowtie 有最終決定權。

12. 推薦人並非 Bowtie 就任何目的之代理人。推薦人在推薦計劃下單純作出推薦,並非鼓勵 、游說或勸服任何受薦人訂立保險合約;洽談或安排保險合約;邀請或誘使任何人訂立保險合約,或企圖邀請或誘使任何人訂立保險合約;提供受規管意見;或進行任何《保險業條例》(香港法例第41章)中定義的受規管活動。推薦人不可參與保單之安排。受薦人必須直接與 Bowtie 處理一切與保單申請及保單相關之事宜。

13. 就是否繕發任何保單, Bowtie 有絕對決定權。

14. 如果受薦人保單生效期少於一年,Bowtie 保留權利撤銷部份或全部就該受薦人保單而發放的推薦獎賞。

15. 保泰反對濫發郵件。參與推薦計劃時,推薦人必須遵守所有相關法規,包括《個人資料(私隱)條例》。

16. 在任何情況下,包括任何推薦人的任何過失或作為或因保泰的疏忽行事或遺漏或因其管理層、僱員、董事、代理、顧問、承包商、合作夥伴或其他可能依法承擔責任的人的疏忽行事或遺漏,保泰均不對任何推薦人﹑受薦人或任何第三方因推薦人參與推薦計劃而承受的任何性質的賠償、損失、損害、成本、費用的索賠承擔責任。推薦人同意彌償保泰及上述所有人士,並使他們所有人免於因推薦人參與推薦計劃或與之相關的任何性質的賠償、損失、損害、成本、費用的索賠或因違反本條款及細則而產生的責任。

17. Bowtie 保留權利隨時修訂本條款及細則及終止本推薦計劃,並不作出任何通知。

18. 參與推薦計劃即被視作接納本條款及細則。

19. 若本條款及細則的中文及英文版本存有歧義,將以英文版本作準。

Bowtie Friends and Family Referral Program
Terms and Conditions

Bowtie Friends and Family Referral Program (“Referral Program”) rewards you when you invite your friends and family members to purchase specified insurance products from Bowtie Life Insurance Company Limited (“Bowtie”). The terms and conditions of the Referral Program are set out below:

1. The Referral Program is applicable to the insurance products underwritten by Bowtie as specified in paragraph 6 below ("Eligible Products").

2. The Referral Program is valid from 28 Jan 2025 to 27 Feb 2025 (both days inclusive) (“Promotion Period”).

3. You are eligible to participate in the Referral Program as a Referrer (“Referrer”) if you hold at least one (1) in-force policy of any Bowtie VHIS plans, Bowtie Accidental Medical plan, any Bowtie Cancer Medical plans, Bowtie Term Life plan or Bowtie Term CI plan during the Promotion Period ("Referrer's Policy").

4. Referrers need to login to Bowtie account to get the personalized referral code.

5. A referral is considered successful (“Successful Referral”) if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

  • the referred person (“Referee”) has never applied to purchase nor held any Bowtie insurance policy of the Eligible Products nor been an insured person under any Bowtie insurance policy of the Eligible Products;
  • the Referee successfully applies and submits the first application of any Eligible Products using the Referrer's personalized referral code within the Promotion Period ("Referee's Policy") and the policy is issued on or before 27 Feb 2025 and remains effective until the end of cooling off period;
  • and the Referrer and the Referee are not the same person.

5.1. Family referral is also considered successful (“Successful Referral”) if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

  • The insured person in the application must be the insured person his or her spouse and children, or the parents, grandparents or siblings, and the insured person has never applied to purchase nor held any Bowtie insurance policy of the Eligible Products nor been an insured person under any Bowtie insurance policy of the Eligible Product (“Eligible family members”)
  • the Referer successfully applies and submits the first application of any Eligible Products for the eligible family members using the given personalized referral code within the Promotion Period and the policy is issued on or before 27 Feb 2025 and remains effective until the end of the cooling off period;
  • The Referer is considered as the Referee in this situation, and when the Referer successfully applies and submits the application of any Eligible Products using the given personalized referral code, this policy is also considered as “Referred Policy”.

6. Following a Successful Referral, the relevant Referrer and Referee will receive the reward as stated below (“Referral Reward”).

  • Any Bowtie VHIS Plan
    - Referrer’s Reward: 5-month premium waived (Maximum HK$200 premium waiver per month)
    - Referee's Reward: 30% off first two years premium
  • Bowtie Accidental Medical Plan
    - Referrer’s Reward: 5-month premium waived (Maximum HK$200 premium waiver per month)
    - Referee's Reward: 70% off first-year premium
  • Any Bowtie Cancer Medical Plan
    - Referrer’s Reward: 5-month premium waived (Maximum HK$200 premium waiver per month)
    - Referee's Reward: 70% off first-year premium
  • Bowtie Term Life
    - Referrer’s Reward: 5-month premium waived (Maximum HK$200 premium waiver per month)
    - Referee's Reward: 65% off first-year premium
  • Bowtie Term CI
    - Referrer’s Reward: 5-month premium waived (Maximum HK$200 premium waiver per month)
    - Referee's Reward: 70% off first-year premium

    No limit on the referrals you can make.

7.  The details of premium waiver of the Referrer's Reward will be shown in the Referrer’s Bowtie account after twenty-eight (28) calendar days from the date of issuance of the Referee's Policy. The Referrer can login to Bowtie account to view the details of premium waiver. If there are more than one in-force policies in the Bowtie account of the Referrer at the time when the reward is distributed, the policy with the highest premium amount will enjoy the premium waiver. The premium waiver will be effective starting from the next regular-priced premium payable month. If Referrer are enjoying other premium discount, the premium waiver will be postponed. The premium waiver part of the Referee's Reward will be effective upon the issuance of the Referee's Policy.

8. Both the Referrer's Policy and the Referee's Policy must be in-force at the time of reward allocation. Any unutilised premium waiver will be forfeited if the Referrer's Policy is no longer in force. 

9. The Referrer can enjoy a maximum of HK$200 premium waiver per month. If the monthly premium of the Referrer's Policy is less than HK$200, the unused value cannot be exchanged for cash or any other gifts, goods or services of equal value.

10. Unless otherwise specified, the Referee's Reward CANNOT be used in conjunction with any other promotional campaigns operated by Bowtie, nor can it be changed, returned, exchanged for other gifts or redeemed for cash.

11. Referrers and Referees are responsible for the truthfulness and accuracy of the information provided to Bowtie. Bowtie reserves the right to withhold or withdraw the Referral Reward if the information provided is false or incorrect. In such cases, no compensation or replacement will be provided and Bowtie’s decision is final.

12. Referrers are not agents of Bowtie for any purposes. By merely making referrals under the Referral Program, Referrers are not: encouraging, persuading or convincing any Referees to enter into a contract of insurance; negotiating or arranging contract of insurance; inviting or inducing, or attempting to invite or induce, a person to enter into a contract of insurance; giving regulated advice; or engaging in any Regulated Activities as defined under the Insurance Ordinance (Cap. 41, Laws of Hong Kong). Referrers shall not be involved in the arrangement of the policy in any way. Referees must directly deal with Bowtie for all matters in relation to their policy applications and policies.

13. Bowtie has the absolute discretion to decide whether or not to issue any insurance policy.

14. If the Referee's Policy is in force for less than one (1) year, Bowtie reserves the right to withdraw part or all of the Referral Reward allocated in respect of the Referee's Policy.

15. Bowtie discourages spamming.  Referrers must comply with all relevant laws and regulations including the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance in participating in this Referral Program.

16. Under no circumstances, including as a result of any acts or omissions of any of the Referrers or Bowtie's negligent acts or omissions or those of its officers, employees, directors, agents, advisers, contractors, partners or other persons for whom in law it may be liable, shall Bowtie be liable for any claim, loss, damage, costs, expenses of any nature which any Referrers, Referees, or any third parties may sustain as a result of participating in this Referral Program.  Referrers undertake to indemnify Bowtie, and all of the above persons harmless from any claim, loss, damage, costs, expenses of any nature or other liability arising from or related to the Referrer's participating in this Referral Program or breach of these terms and conditions.

17. Bowtie reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions and the right to terminate this Referral Program at any time without notice.

18. Participation in the Referral Program is deemed acceptance of these terms and conditions.

19. If there is any inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions of these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail.