Medical Check Ups
Medical Check Ups

Helicobacter Pylori Test: How breath test works? Results & Pricing

Helicobacter pylori is a bacterial parasite that colonizes the surface of the gastric mucosa or the duodenum in humans. It employs enzyme secretion to neutralize the acidic stomach environment, thus ensuring its survival. H. pylori infection is a prevalent chronic bacterial infection that can result in gastritis, gastric or duodenal ulcers, and even gastric cancer. Consequently, it demands our earnest attention and necessitates targeted intervention.
Author Bowtie Team
Date 2023-06-29
Updated on 2022-07-21
What is the H. pylori breath test? When should it be done?Interpretation of the H. pylori breath test indexWhere to get H. pylori breath test? How much?How long does it take for H. pylori breath test to show result?H. pylori breath test precautionsCan we self-test Helicobacter pylori at home?

What is the H. pylori breath test? When should it be done?

The H. pylori breath test is a convenient and quick method to detect the presence of H. pylori. The patient will first blow into a collection bag and then take a test pill containing carbon-13. After 30 minutes, the patient will blow into another bag. The analysis of the two collected samples can determine whether the patient is infected with H. pylori.

A positive result indicates the presence of H. pylori, while a negative result indicates its absence. This test is suitable for individuals with symptoms such as gastric discomfort or indigestion, patients undergoing H. pylori medication treatment for follow-up testing, children, or pregnant women.

Interpretation of the H. pylori breath test index

During the test, the carbon-13 pill taken by the patient is broken down by H. pylori into carbon dioxide. Therefore, the analysis is based on the amount of carbon dioxide exhaled by the patient.

The standard for the breath test is: 4dpm (decay per minute) of H. pylori.

<4dpm: Negative (no H. pylori infection)

4dpm: Positive (H. pylori infection)

Where to get H. pylori breath test? How much?

The H. pylori breath test can be conducted in various public and private hospitals, as well as multiple private clinics. The fees* for the test are as follows:

Hospital / ClinicPricing (HK$)
Saint Teresa’s HospitalOutpatient/ Standard Room Pricing: $850
Precious Blood Hospital (Caritas)Outpatient/ Standard Room Pricing: $740
Bowtie & JP HealthWhatsApp Booking$700
Health Gene Limited$800
Dr. Endoscopy$870
TWGHs Endoscopy Centre$600
  • *Data as of July 2022

How long does it take for H. pylori breath test to show result?

The test results usually take 1 to 2 days, with an accuracy rate of 90%.

H. pylori breath test precautions

  1. Fasting for 4 hours before the examination is required.
  2. Stop taking proton pump inhibitors (strong stomach medications) for 2 weeks prior to the examination.
  3. Stop taking antibiotics for 4 weeks prior to the examination.
  4. Individuals who have undergone gastric surgery are not suitable for this test.

Can we self-test Helicobacter pylori at home?

The Helicobacter pylori fecal rapid test is one option. The Indicaid™ TuXi™ Helicobacter pylori Antigen Test Kit is a self-testing product for Helicobacter pylori antigen. It is easy to use, providing results in just 10 minutes after collecting a fecal sample. It has a high accuracy rate of up to 98% and is suitable for individuals with or without gastrointestinal symptoms. There is no need for fasting or medication before testing, and it can be done at any time.

Check out how to do the test now!

Step-by-step Guideline
  1. Defecate onto a collection paper (ensure that the feces does not come into contact with the water surface of the toilet).
  2. Use the sampling stick to collect samples from five different positions in the feces.
  3. Insert the sampling stick into the testing kit.
  4. Shake the testing kit back and forth for about 10 seconds to thoroughly mix the fecal sample with the diluent.
  5. Press the testing stick to its lowest position.
  6. After 10 minutes at room temperature, check the test result (results read after 20 minutes are considered invalid).

The Indicaid™ TuXi™ Helicobacter pylori Antigen Test Kit is priced at HK$248. Learn how to buy and testing details.

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