Ranked No. 1 in the term critical illness insurance by 10Life1
Ranked No. 1 in the term critical illness insurance by 10Life1
All-in-one coverage
for early stage & recurrence of 3 major critical illnesses
Carcinoma-in-situ + "Angioplasty"
Cancer recurrence + Recurring Heart Attack or Stroke2
98% of critical illness (”CI”) cases3

Limited Time Offer

Limited time offer

Does CI Insurance really matter to me? What are the odds?
Critical illnesses are more common
than you think…
If you are diagnosed with a critical illness, you may...
How can CI insurance help?
CI insurance provides a lump-sum benefit which not only protects yourself, but also ensures…
Anything I need to learn more before the purchase?
🤔 How much coverage is considered sufficient?
🤔  How costly are treatments for critical illnesses?
Is medical insurance already sufficient?
🤔 Should I go for a “Term” or “Savings” CI insurance?
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Unique features

CI recurrence rates are increasing rapidly

“Bowtie Term CI - Multiple Cover” & “Bowtie Term CI - Early Stage & Multiple Cover” allows:

Multiple claims for 3 Major Illnesses (Cancers, Heart attacks and Strokes)*
Max 1 claim for each of the other 39 covered major critical illnesses11
Max 5 major illness claims in total over the insured period; the amount of each major illness claim is 100% of the sum insured
🔍 Multiple Cover Example - Sum insured: HK$1M (actual aggregate claim payment is HK$5M)
10Life Fair Rating

No.1 in Term Critical Illness Category#

💡 Most Term CI products in the market do not cover recurrence of the 3 Major Illnesses.
🤒 因傷風感冒前往醫院門診或診所求醫 (但毋須住院或接受手術)
🔎 因大便有血前往診所求醫
😷 接受腸鏡檢查
門診診金 +
🤕 因意外受傷而前往醫院門診或醫院急症室求醫 (不包括一般西醫診所)
門診診金 +
Covers 37 suggested Major Critical Illnesses*
Multiple claims for 3 Major Critical Illnesses and other critical illnesses
Covers from 15 days - 65 years old
Online Application
#Source: 10Life, Bowtie's "Term CI - Early Stage and Multiple Cover" was awarded a 5-star Term Critical Illness Insurance Award and ranked No.1 in the Term Critical Illness category (as of 21 December 2023).
*10Life refers to the definition of major critical illnesses by the Life Insurance Association Singapore, click here to learn more.
The above example is for reference and illustrative purposes only. The dates of illness are assumed to be January 1st of each year. If you are in doubt as to whether a particular critical illness is eligible for a claim, please check with a registered medical specialist. However, Bowtie has the right to refer any dispute to our medical advisor and/or a Registered Medical Specialist appointed by us at our reasonable discretion for determination which shall be final.
If you see a "+" symbol, you can click on it to view more information.
^The recurrence rate data for critical illnesses comes from a major disease survey conducted by a reinsurance company in the Asia-Pacific region from 2008 to 2012, as well as market research results from Bowtie.
*Claims for the Multiple Cover Benefit on Cancer (newly diagnosed, recurrent, metastatic or continued cancer diagnosed after the first cancer claim), Stroke, Heart attack, and other heart-related diseases (including coronary artery bypass surgery or other serious coronary artery diseases) are subject to additional requirements, please refer to the policy terms and conditions for details and exclusions.
#Any subsequent Heart Attack following any preceding Heart Attack claim(s) that we have paid must demonstrates fresh diagnostic findings evidencing occurrence and diagnosis of a new event; 
**Any subsequent Cancer following any preceding Cancer claim(s) that we have paid must be:
(i) any Cancer that has reappeared, metastasised, continued without remission, or a new primary Cancer, that is diagnosed after your preceding Cancer claim; and
(ii) the Cancer exists at, or after the end of the Multiple Cover Benefit Waiting Period; and
(iii) the Insured Person has received Active Treatment
11. Current Bowtie Term Critical Illness and Bowtie Term Critical Illness (Multiple Cover) policyholders will have their plans upgraded. The revisions to the critical illness definitions and removal of the survival period will be aligned with the Bowtie Term Critical Illness - Early Stage and Multiple Cover plan. This upgrade will take effect in February 2024. We will notify policyholders about the relevant details.

Early stage critical illnesses are more common

4 early stage critical illnesses7:

1. Carcinoma-in-situ 
2. Early stage malignancy

Angioplasty surgeries include:
3. Angioplasty, Atherectomy or Minimally Invasive Direct Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting for coronary arteries
4. Angioplasty or endarterectomy for carotid arteries

Covering 4 Early Stage Critical Illnesses (“CI”)

including carcinoma-in-situ and angioplasty surgeries

“Bowtie Term CI- Early Stage & Multiple Cover" provides a lump-sum benefit of 20% of the sum insured7 if you are diagnosed with any of the 4 covered early stage CI , offering you more flexibility in coping with various expenses.

Medical expenses for early stage CI can vary significantly. For example, surgical fees for angioplasty can range from HK$100,000 to HK$300,000#. In addition, patients may need to continue taking medications and undergo regular checkups for up to 1 year following the surgery##. These factors can have an impact on patients’ work lives and impose further financial burdens.
What are early stage critical illnesses?
An “early stage critical illness” refers to a disease that has not yet developed into major critical illnesses. Common examples include carcinoma-in-situ, early stage malignant malignancy, and medical conditions requiring angioplasty. With advancing medical technology, early treatment can significantly reduce the chances of developing a major critical illness.  

As of 2020, the diagnosis rate of breast Carcinoma-in-situ among females aged 45 to 49 was 36.2% (per 100,000 female population)**.

The number of individuals aged 40 to 50 diagnosed with coronary heart disease has increased by almost 40%. When the coronary artery contracts by a certain percentage, it is likely that angioplasty surgery will be required*.

Medical expenses for early stage CI can vary significantly. For example, surgical fees for angioplasty can range from HK$100,000 to HK$300,000#. In addition, patients may need to continue taking medications and undergo regular checkups for up to 1 year following the surgery##. These factors can have an impact on patients’ work lives and impose further financial burdens.

Comprehensive Coverage

Early Stage Critical Illness + 
Major Critical Illness →
Claim Up To 120%7

Multiple Claims for Early Critical Illnesses

Max 5 times*

for Early Critical Illnesses claims

*Other Early Critical Illnesses: 1 time, carcinoma-in-situ: 2 times, angioplasty and coronary artery bypass graft: 2 times
Angioplasty, atherectomy or minimally invasive direct coronary artery bypass grafting for coronary arteries

Upgrade to Term CI - Early Stage & Multiple Cover with just a 12% increase in your premiums!!


For a 35-year-old male non-smoker with a sum insured of $1 million, the monthly premium for “Bowtie Term CI - Multiple Cover” is $187.  With a monthly premium of $211, you can upgrade to our “Term CI - Early stage & Multiple Cover" insurance plan, with a slight increase of 12% premium only.

Comprehensive protection

Early stage + Major critical illnesses → 120% total payout

Typical Term CI products in the market

Typical term CI insurance plans on the market “prepay” 20% of sum insured for an early stage critical illness, and pay the remaining 80% of sum insured if the insured person is diagnosed with a subsequent major critical illness.

Early stage and major critical illnesses may not necessarily be eligible for multiple claims.

Bowtie Term CI - Early Stage and Multiple Cover

Bowtie provides an additional 20% of the sum insured for early stage critical illness diagnosis. After a 2-year waiting period, a lump sum benefit equivalent to 100% of the sum insured is paid for major critical illness that is diagnosed thereafter, resulting in a total payout of 120%.
We also allow up to 5 claims each for both early stage and major critical illnesses 2,7, meaning the total payout amount can reach up to 600% of your sum insured. Please refer to the benefit table and examples below for more details.

Upgrade to Term CI - Early Stage & Multiple Cover with just a 12% increase in your premiums!!


For a 35-year-old male non-smoker with a sum insured of $1 million, the monthly premium for “Bowtie Term CI - Multiple Cover” is $187.  With a monthly premium of $211, you can upgrade to our “Term CI - Early stage & Multiple Cover" insurance plan, with a slight increase of 12% premium only.

 How does our claim mechanism work?

After completing the 2-year “Early Stage CI Benefit Waiting Period”

We provide “Extra Payout”

  • We provide an Early Stage CI Benefit at 20% of the sum insured^ if you are diagnosed with any of the 4 covered early stage CI. This benefit allows up to 5 claims, totalling 100% of the sum insured7.
  • After successfully claiming the Early Stage CI Benefit and passing the 2-year waiting period^, if you are diagnosed with a major critical illness, we will pay 100% of the sum insured as a lump sum under the Major CI Benefit. The Multiple Cover Benefit also allows up to 5 claims for major critical illnesses2, 7.
  • Our “Term CI - Early Stage and Multiple Cover” insurance plan provides a maximum total claimable amount of up to 600% of the sum insured.
Major critical illnesses: 100% x 5 = 500%
Early stage critical illnesses: 20% x 5 = 100%
claim amount:  

Claims within the Early Stage CI Benefit Waiting Period

We pay 100% of the sum insured

  • If the insured person successfully claims the Early Stage CI Benefit and is diagnosed with another covered early stage critical illness again during the waiting period (i.e. within 2 years), the subsequent early stage critical illness will not be covered.
  • If the insured person successfully claims the Early Stage CI Benefit (receiving a claims amount equal to 20% of the sum insured) and is diagnosed with a major critical illness during the waiting period (i.e. within 2 years), we will pay the remaining 80% of the sum insured for the major critical illness. This means that the total payout amount for the two illnesses will be equivalent to 100% of the sum insured7.
Why so?
Why so?
We anticipate the claim amount from our critical illness protection to be sufficient to support the patient's living expenses and other miscellaneous costs for about 2 years (meanwhile, medical expenses should primarily be covered by medical insurance such as VHIS). As a result, the "additional payout" during the waiting period holds minimal significance. By minimising “non-essential” coverage, we aim to make premiums more affordable and maintain them at a reasonable level in the long run.
claim amount:  
The above example is for reference and illustrative purposes only. The dates of diagnosis are assumed to be January 1st of each year. If you are in doubt as to whether a particular critical illness is eligible for a claim, please check with a registered medical specialist. However, Bowtie reserves the right to refer any dispute to our medical advisor and/or our Registered Medical Specialists at our reasonable discretion for determination which shall be final.
If you see a "+" symbol, you can click on it to view more information.
2 For claims related to the Multiple Critical Illness Benefit, additional requirements must be fulfilled for cancer (newly diagnosed, recurrent, spread or continuation of cancer after the initial cancer claim), stroke, heart attack and other heart-related diseases (including coronary artery bypass surgery or other serious coronary artery diseases). Please refer to the Policy Terms and Conditions and Exclusions for details.
7Early Stage Critical iIllness Benefit provides a benefit equivalent  to 20% of the Sum Insured, which is subject to a maximum of HKD300,000 per Insured Person of each claim. The maximum total benefit amount is equivalent to 100% of the Sum Insured or HK$1,500,000 (whichever is lower). This benefit is subject to an Early Stage Critical Illness Benefit Waiting Period and a maximum number of times you can claim for each early stage critical illness. This benefit will be automatically terminated after any Major Critical Illness Benefit has been paid or become payable, whichever is earlier. Please refer to the Policy Terms and Conditions and Exclusions for details.
* Information obtained from Female Breast Cancer in 2020
** Information obtained from 中年冠心病激增40% 逾半人誤解通波仔或延誤治療
# Information obtained from 2018-08-31 通波仔手術海鮮價公院一條血管最貴7萬私院最貴100萬
## Information obtained from 通波仔手術後復康須知
^ For Early Stage Critical Illness Benefit, there must be a minimum gap of 2 years between claims for early stage critical illness. This means that within 2 years from the last payable date, any early stage critical illness diagnosed or early stage critical illness surgical procedures performed will not be covered.

Covers 42 major critical illnesses#,11

4 “Supplementary Coverages”*

Terminal illness

The conclusive unequivocal diagnosis of an illness that is expected to result in the death of the Insured Person within twelve (12) months.

Total Permanent Disability^

The Insured Person has first become permanently, totally and irreversibly disabled as a result of injury or sickness and is thereby totally incapable of engaging in any work or occupation whatsoever for remuneration or profit. 

Loss of independent existence^

The unequivocal diagnosis must be made by a Registered Medical Specialist in the relevant field that the Insured Person is not able to perform at least three (3) Activities of Daily Living without assistance, as a result of injury or disease. 

Major medical treatment

The actual undergoing of a Medically Necessary Complex Surgery in Hong Kong due to an injury or illness condition, which directly or indirectly results in admission to Intensive Care Unit (ICU); and being treated with life supporting medical devices of one-hundred-and-twenty (120) or more consecutive hours in post-surgical care.
10Life Fair Rating

Lowest Average Annual Premium14

14According to 10life, the online insurance comparison platform (referenced on March 11, 2024), among the top 4 ranked annually renewable Term Critical Illness insurance plans for ages 25-45, Bowtie's Term CI - Early Stage and Multiple Cover received the highest score, and its premium was also the lowest among the 4 insurance companies. The above chart uses the premium for a 35-year-old man as an example. Please note that the coverage and underwriting criteria of different companies' products may vary. Customers should select relevant products according to their individual or actual needs.

The above premium is updated as of December 21, 2023 and does not include the premium levy charged by the Insurance Authority. Source: 10Life
If you see a "+" symbol, you can click on it to view more information.
# Only applicable to “Bowtie Term CI - Early Stage and Multiple Cover”.
“Supplementary coverages” have claim restrictions on age. Any relevant diagnoses must be supported by evidence from a registered medical specialist and confirmed by our medical advisers. Please refer to the Policy Terms and Conditions and Exclusions for more details.
Such Total Permanent Disability and Loss of Independent Existence must be certified by our medical adviser and have continued without interruption for at least six (6) consecutive months.
客戶已購買Bowtie 危疾保
根據內部數據顯示,從 2019 年起至今,我們與客戶的 165,000 次互動中,客戶對我們服務滿意度為 92.5 %。
以上為截至 2023 年 2 月, Bowtie 自願醫保「靈活計劃-基本」的平均自付金額為例。


幫你 Claim 到順

索償熱線: 3001 5670
WhatsApp (CS) 3008 8123
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隨時隨地,手機影相就可以 Upload 文件

全天候 Update 進度 (SMS, Email)

Highly praised by the industry

Policy sold through direct channel 8
Insurance brand that customers think are best value in money 9
Customer satisfaction 10
Benefit table
Plan Coverage

Term CI - Early Stage and Multiple Cover

Term CI - Multiple Cover

Term CI

Maximum no. of claims
Maximum no. of claims

Early stage critical illnesses: 5 times
Major critical illnesses: 5 times

Maximum no. of claims

Major critical illnesses: 5 times

Maximum no. of claims

Major critical illnesses: 1 time

Early Stage CI Benefit
Early Stage CI Benefit
Covers carcinoma-in-situ,  early stage malignancy and “angioplasty”
Early Stage CI Benefit
Early Stage CI Benefit
Each claim payout is equivalent to a percentage of sum insured 
Each claim payout is equivalent to a % of sum insured 

Early stage critical illnesses: 20%7
Major critical illnesses: 100%

Provides a maximum claim amount of up to 600% of the sum insured
Early stage critical illnesses:
20% x 5 = 100%
Major critical illnesses:
100% x 5 = 500%
Each claim payout is equivalent to a % of sum insured 

Major critical illnesses: 100%

Provides a maximum claim amount of up to 500% of the sum insured

Major critical illnesses: 100% x 5 = 500%
Each claim payout is equivalent to a % of sum insured 

Major critical illnesses: 100%


4 Early stage CI

+ 42 Major CI

+ 4 “supplementary coverages”

Early stage critical illness can be claimed for up to 5 times in total, subject to a maximum number of times you can claim for each early stage critical illness.
Cancer, heart attack and stroke can be claimed multiple times, and the remaining 39 covered major critical illnesses can be claimed up to 1 time each. The maximum number of claims payable is 5 times.

42 Major CI 

+ 4 “supplementary coverages”

Cancer, heart attack and stroke can be claimed multiple times, and the remaining 39 covered major critical illnesses can be claimed up to 1 time each. The maximum number of claims payable is 5 times.

42 Major CI 

+ 4 “supplementary coverages”

Compassionate Death Benefit
Compassionate Death Benefit

Five percent (5%) of Sum Insured

Payable to the Beneficiary when the Insured Person dies.
Compassionate Death Benefit

Five percent (5%) of Sum Insured

Payable to the Beneficiary when the Insured Person dies.
Compassionate Death Benefit

Five percent (5%) of Sum Insured

Payable to the Beneficiary when the Insured Person dies.
This benefit is only payable when the Major Critical Illness Benefit has neither become payable nor been paid.
Level Up!
Survival period
Many CI products in the market have survival period restrictions. This means that if the insured person does not survive within 14 days after the diagnosis of a major critical illness, they will not receive any benefits. However, Bowtie's CI products do not have such restrictions. 
Level Up!
Survival period11
Many CI products in the market have survival period restrictions. This means that if the insured person does not survive within 14 days after the diagnosis of a major critical illness, they will not receive any benefits. However, Bowtie's CI products do not have such restrictions. 
Level Up!
Survival period11
Many CI products in the market have survival period restrictions. This means that if the insured person does not survive within 14 days after the diagnosis of a major critical illness, they will not receive any benefits. However, Bowtie's CI products do not have such restrictions. 
Level Up!
Survival period11
Many CI products in the market have survival period restrictions. This means that if the insured person does not survive within 14 days after the diagnosis of a major critical illness, they will not receive any benefits. However, Bowtie's CI products do not have such restrictions. 

Important Product Information

Product Category
Critical Illness Insurance Plan – We will pay the sum insured in lump sum if the insured person is diagnosed with any of the covered major critical illness or early stage critical illness
Issue age
15 days – age 65
Minimum Sum Insured
Maximum Sum Insured
HK$4,000,000 (Issue age: 15 days - 45 years old)
HK$2,000,000 (Issue age: 46 - 60 years old)
HK$1,000,000 (Issue age: 61 - 65 years old)
Once your policy is in force, your Sum Insured will remain unchanged. For example, if you insure before the age of 45 with a Sum Insured of HK$4,000,000, up to the age of 85, your Sum Insured will remain to be HK$4,000,000 as you age. If you wish to change your Sum Insured, you can notify us at least 30 working days before the next renewal date.
Compassionate Death Benefit
Five percent (5%) of Sum Insured
Payable to the Beneficiary when the Insured Person dies.
Period of Cover
1 year – Guaranteed annual renewal up to age 85
Waiting period
90 days
Any illnesses diagnosed or symptoms manifested within the 90-day waiting period from the policy effective date will not be covered.
Multiple Cover Benefit Waiting Period (applicable to Bowtie Term Critical Illness - Multiple Cover and Bowtie Term Critical Illness - Early Stage and Multiple Cover only)
2 years
For Multiple Cover Benefit, no benefit will be paid for any subsequent Major Critical Illness diagnosed (except for Subsequent Cancer) or Major Surgical Procedure performed within 2 years from the date when the preceding Major Critical Illness Benefit or Multiple Cover Benefit becomes payable under this Plan.
Early Stage Critical Illness Benefit Waiting Period (applicable to Bowtie Term Critical Illness - Early Stage and Multiple Cover only)
2 years
For Early Stage Critical Illness Benefit, no benefit will be paid for any subsequent Early Stage Critical Illness diagnosed or Early Stage Critical Illness Surgical Procedure performed within 2 years from the date when the preceding Early Stage Critical Illness Benefit becomes payable under this Plan.
Survival Period
Alive Condition
the Insured Person must be alive on the date that the definition of Major Critical Illness, subsequent Major Critical Illness or Early Stage Critical Illness (as defined in the Definitions of Major and Early Stage Critical Illnesses and Surgical Procedures) is satisfied, and the medical evidence to reach such diagnosis is issued when the Insured Person is alive. No medical test or examination concluded after the Insured Person’s death will be considered in evaluating a claim.
Our critical illness protection products are designed to assist in covering your loss of income and additional expenses during an occurrence of an early stage critical illness or major critical illness. This plan is not intended to overlap or serve as a substitute for life insurance.
Additional requirements for Multiple Cover Benefit
(applicable to Bowtie Term Critical Illness - Multiple Cover and Bowtie Term Critical Illness - Early Stage and Multiple Cover only)
For Multiple Cover Benefit, the below critical illnesses shall fulfill additional requirement:
  • A subsequent Cancer following any preceding Cancer claim(s) that we have paid, is:
    (i) any Cancer that has reappeared, metastasised, continued without remission, or a new primary Cancer, that is diagnosed after your preceding Cancer claim;
    (ii) the Cancer exists at, or after the end of the Multiple Cover Benefit Waiting Period; and
    (iii) the Insured Person has received Active Treatment in the 12 months immediately prior if the subsequent Cancer is reappeared, metastasised or continued without remission.
    Active treatment refers to any cancer directed surgery, radiotherapy, cytotoxic chemotherapy, targeted therapy
    or immunotherapy. It does not include any treatment given solely as palliative care or hormonal therapy.
Heart Attack:
  • A subsequent Heart Attack following any preceding Heart Attack claim(s) that we have paid, demonstrates fresh diagnostic findings evidencing diagnosis of a new event (e.g. a newly diagnosed death of a portion of heart muscle). 
  • A subsequent Stroke following any preceding Stroke claim(s) that we have paid, demonstrates fresh diagnostic findings evidencing diagnosis of a new event and of new or increased neurological functional impairment (e.g. a newly diagnosed cerebrovascular accident or incident).
    Brain-related symptoms caused by migraines are not eligible for stroke claims.
Coronary Artery By-Pass Grafts or Other Serious Coronary Artery Disease:
  • If any benefit has already been paid for Heart Attack, we will not pay a Multiple Cover Benefit for any Coronary Artery By-Pass Grafts or Other Serious Coronary Artery Disease.
Additional requirements for Early Stage Critical Illness Benefit
(Applicable to Bowtie Term Critical Illness - Early Stage and Multiple Cover only)
For Early Stage Critical Illness Benefit, the below early stage critical illnesses shall fulfil additional requirement:
  • Up to 2 claims - to be eligible for the second claim, the carcinoma-in-situ must be occur in a specific organ different from the organ in the first claim.
Angioplasty, Atherectomy or Minimally Invasive Direct Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting for Coronary Arteries:
  • Up to 2 claims - to be eligible for the second claim, the treatment must be performed on a location of stenosis in major coronary artery where no stenosis of greater than 50% was identified in the medical examination relating to the first claim.
Other early stage critical illnesses:
  • Maximum 1 claim 
    • Upon renewal, there shall be no re-underwriting. No additional rate of premium loading or case-based exclusions shall be imposed by reason of any change in the Insured Person's health conditions.
    • Upon renewal, we reserve the right to revise Policy Terms and Conditions, including the prevailing standard premium schedule.
    Cooling-off Period
    21 days
    You may cancel the Plan and receive a full refund of premiums within the cooling-off period
    Policy Cancellation
    You may request cancellation of the Plan by giving at least 30 days prior notice.
    Tax Deduction
    Not applicable


    No benefit will be payable under the Plan for Major Critical Illness, Major Surgical Procedure, Early Stage Critical Illness, Early Stage Critical Illness Surgical Procedure or death caused directly or indirectly, wholly or partly, by any of the following events; and/or in the following circumstances:
    • Waiting period: the Insured Person dies or suffers from any illness, the sign(s) and/or symptom(s) of, or undergoes a surgery, the cause(s) and/or condition(s) which, have been manifested within ninety (90) days following the Policy Effective Date (except for an illness or surgery caused directly by an Accident and diagnosed within ninety (90) days from the date of the Accident);
    • Pre-existing condition(s);
    • HIV and AIDS: any illness, disease, ptomaines or infection (except infection which directly results from an accidental cut or wound). This includes infection with any Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and/or any HIV-related illness including AIDS and/or any mutations, derivations or variations thereof, except for (1) AIDS/HIV due to Blood Transfusion or (2) Occupationally Acquired HIV (as defined in the Definitions of Major and Early Stage Critical Illnesses and Surgical Procedures);
    • Drugs, suicide and illegal activities: (i) dependence, overdose or influence of drugs, alcohol, narcotics or similar substances or agents; (ii) intentional self-inflicted injuries; (iii) attempted suicide or threatened suicide, while sane or insane; (iv) illegal activity; or (v) violation or attempted violation of the law, or resistance to arrest;
    • Armed forces: participation in any armed force or peace-keeping activities;
    • Nuclear, biological, and chemical activities: nuclear, biological, and chemical related activities. This includes, but is not limited to, nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, ionising radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel, nuclear waste resulting from combustion of nuclear fuels or nuclear weapons, or any act of nuclear, chemical or biological terrorism, including but not limited to the use of nuclear, biological or chemical weapons and agents; or
    • War and terrorism: revolutions and war (declared or undeclared), or acts of terrorism.
    No Multiple Cover Benefit will be payable in the following circumstances:
    • the same Major Critical Illness or Major Surgical Procedure for which a Major Critical Illness Benefit or Multiple Cover Benefit has already been paid (except for Heart Attack, Stroke and Cancer);
    • a Major Critical Illness or Major Surgical Procedure which, in our opinion (as confirmed by a Registered Medical Specialist acceptable to us):
    • is a complication of;
    • arises in connection with;
    • results from; or
    • is a treatment for 
    • a condition for which a Major Critical Illness Benefit or Multiple Cover Benefit has already been paid (except for Subsequent Cancer);
    • any Coronary Artery By-Pass Grafts or Other Serious Coronary Artery Disease, if Major Critical Illness Benefit or Multiple Cover Benefit has already been paid for Heart Attack;
    • any Major Critical Illness diagnosed (except for Subsequent Cancer) or Major Surgical Procedure performed during the Multiple Cover Benefit Waiting Period.
    No Early Stage Critical Illness Benefit will be payable in the following circumstances:
    • the same Early Stage Critical Illness or Early Stage Surgical Procedure for which an Early Stage Critical Illness Benefit has already been paid (except for “Carcinoma-in-situ” and “Angioplasty, Atherectomy or Minimally Invasive Direct Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting for Coronary Arteries” );
    • a Major Critical Illness Benefit that has been paid or is payable;
    • any Early Stage Critical Illness diagnosed or Early Stage Critical Illness Surgical Procedure performed during the Early Stage Critical Illness Benefit Waiting Period.
    The information on the page is for reference only, please refer to the full and detailed policy Terms and Conditions.

    How simple is the claim procedure?

    Our claims specialist will serve you one-to-one to ensure a successful claim application

    Claim hotline: 3001 5670
    CS WhatsApp: 3008 8123
    Email: claim@bowtie.com.hk
    CS LiveChat

    Upload claim documents with your phone anywhere, anytime

    Round-the-clock update on the claim progress (SMS, email)


    Should I purchase “Bowtie Term CI”, “Bowtie Term CI - Multiple Cover” or “Bowtie Term CI - Early Stage and Multiple Cover”?

    We recommend choosing Term CI - Early Stage and Multiple Cover to obtain the most comprehensive protection.

    We have noticed an increasing trend in the incidence of early stage critical illnesses as well as the recurrence rates for the three major critical illnesses in recent years. As a result, Bowtie is introducing the "Term CI - Early Stage and Multiple Cover" to provide customers with sufficient coverage, whether it is before a disease develops into a major critical illness or in the event of a recurrent diagnosis of a major critical illness.

    Moreover, with just a 12% increase in monthly premium12, you can upgrade from "Term CI - Multiple Cover" to "Term CI - Early Stage and Multiple Cover". Even if budget is a concern, we still recommend you to purchase "Term CI - Multiple Cover" to ensure that you and your family can maintain the quality of life in the event of a recurrence of the three major critical illnesses.

    Does Bowtie have enough capital to settle claims payment?

    Absolutely! Like other major traditional insurance companies in Hong Kong, Bowtie must also comply with strict regulations from the Insurance Authority regarding solvency. Under the regulations, Bowtie must set aside sufficient reserves to meet its claims obligations, so the probability of insolvency is extremely low.

    In addition, the Insurance Authority requires insurance companies to engage in reinsurance, which is essentially "insurance for insurers." Bowtie must transfer some of its risks to reinsurers, who will assist in paying claims, so Bowtie's policyholders do not need to worry.

    Is it difficult and troublesome to make a claim with Bowtie?

    Absolutely not! Although Bowtie operates on a "no salespeople" model, we do have dedicated claims specialists who will provide one-on-one assistance to ensure a smooth claims process. They can, among other things, assist with claim applications, progress updates, approvals, and provide clarifications. It is also very easy to obtain assistance - customers can call our claims hotline at 3001 5670, WhatsApp our CS team at 3008 8123, chat with us online, or even visit our customer service center at G/F,  Queen's Centre, 58 -64 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

    Over the past few years, our customer satisfaction (CSAT) rating has consistently exceeded 90%, indicating that our customers are highly satisfied with our service.

    Why choose Bowtie for critical illness insurance instead of other traditional insurance companies?

    As an insurer with pure online operations, Bowtie allows you to complete the entire insurance process - from application to policy servicing to claims - online. Our online operation helps to reduce our operational and administrative costs. Additionally, since Bowtie does not have insurance intermediaries, we are able to offer coverage at lower premiums.

    Despite being an online insurer, Bowtie offers the same level of service as traditional insurance companies. We have a customer service center, claims specialists, and a medical team to provide pre- and post-sales support.

    If my employer has already purchased group medical insurance for me, do I still need to purchase critical illness insurance?

    Group medical insurance provided by employers usually only offers basic coverage, as such relying solely upon its coverage may not be sufficient to cover the heavy expenses associated with critical illnesses. Critical illness insurance is designed to support the insured's living expenses when they stop working due to illness and lose income, in other words, it can provide a lump sum payout to provide financial support during this difficult time.

    Will Bowtie significantly increase the premiums for critical illness insurance in the future?

    When designing our critical illness insurance and setting premium levels, Bowtie has already considered future underwriting expenses and referred to substantial industry data provided by our reinsurers. Additionally, our customers are generally younger and have lower risk, so we do not anticipate a significant increase in expenses or premiums.

    How much coverage do I need for critical illness insurance? Should I top up my coverage if I have previously purchased critical illness insurance?

    Generally, since the treatment and recovery from a critical illness can take 2 to 3 years, the coverage amount for critical illness insurance is recommended to be at least 2 to 3 times your annual income.

    To calculate the coverage amount for critical illness more accurately, you can obtain "personalized advice" here!

    Click on “By product”, and then “Critical illness”

    If I have already purchased Bowtie Voluntary Health Insurance or Bowtie Cancer Fighter, do I still need to purchase Bowtie Critical Illness?

    The main purpose of Bowtie Voluntary Health Insurance and Bowtie Cancer Fighter are to provide "pay-as-you-go" reimbursement for medical expenses, while the role of Bowtie Critical Illness Insurance is to provide a lump sum payout to protect the insured's living expenses when they stop working due to illness and lose income. The functions of the two policies are very different, and our recommended combinations are as follows:

    (i) With Group Medical Insurance/other personal health insurance → Bowtie Pink + Bowtie Term Critical Illness

    The insured can offset the deductible with their group medical insurance/other personal health insurance to purchase Bowtie Pink at a lower premium, which provides full reimbursement at a more affordable price to alleviate the relevant medical expenses. Bowtie Critical Illness Insurance can then cover the various living expenses that the insured incurs during their illness. For more information on how the deductible works, please refer to this article.

    (ii) Without Group Medical  insurance/other personal health insurance → Bowtie Voluntary Health Insurance Flexi Plan + Cancer Fighter + Term Critical Illness

    The coverage amount of the Flexi Plan is lower, with no deductible, and the premium is also cheaper. However, the Flexi Plan has a benefit limit that may not be sufficient to cover cancer treatment, while Cancer Fighter can complement it by reimbursing cancer-related medical expenses. Similarly, Bowtie Critical Illness Insurance can provide support for the insured's living expenses.

    Does Bowtie Critical Illness have a waiting period?

    Yes. There is a waiting period of 90 days after the policy becomes effective. Any illness diagnosed with signs and/or symptoms or surgery related to causes or triggers that occur during this waiting period will not be covered.

    Does Bowtie Term Critical Illness provide coverage outside Hong Kong?

    The policy coverage is applicable worldwide, but both the policyholder and the insured must reside in Hong Kong at the time of application. Regardless of whether the insured person will move overseas (excluding the residence affected by sanctions or war) for a short or long period of time in the future, the policy will remain in effect.

    However, depending on whether there is a potential higher risk in the country where the insured person moves to, we may charge loadings (additional premiums) for individual regions of residence. If the insured person temporarily moves to another country or travels, works, or studies abroad, no additional premium will be required for the relevant policy. If there is any change of address, the policyholder or the insured person must inform Bowtie at the time of renewal. If you have any inquiries, please contact our customer service department at 30088123.

    Can I purchase more than one Bowtie Term Critical Illness Insurance policies?

    Yes, you can purchase more than one critical illness insurance policy from Bowtie, including Bowtie Critical Illness Insurance and Critical Illness Insurance (Multiple Cover). If you are diagnosed with a critical illness, you can make a claim for each policy.

    Bowtie only limits the total amount of critical illness coverage for insured persons at our company. As for whether you can purchase two or more critical illness insurance policies from other insurance companies, it depends on the individual company's policies.

    Click here to buy an extra critical illness insurance policy now to increase your protection!

    Is it correct that the maximum age for applying for Bowtie Critical Illness Insurance is 65 years old, and the maximum age for renewal is 85 years old?

    Yes, that's correct! Bowtie Critical Illness Insurance is designed to protect the insured's living expenses when they stop working due to illness and lose income. Since there is no income after retirement, the living expenses (excluding medical expenses) will also decrease accordingly, so the demand for critical illness insurance may not be too high after the age of 65. This design reduces the overall product risk of Bowtie and keeps premiums at a more affordable level.

    If you want to plan for the medical expenses of critical illness after retirement, we recommend purchasing Bowtie Voluntary Health Insurance, which most plans guarantee lifelong renewal.

    What is the difference between Term CI - Multiple Cover and Term CI - Early Stage and Multiple Cover?

    "Term CI - Early Stage and Multiple Cover” offers the same level of coverage as "Term CI - Multiple Cover" for major critical illnesses. In addition, it provides coverage for early stage critical illnesses. When you are diagnosed with any of the 4 covered early stage critical illnesses, the Plan offers a lump sum payment equivalent to 20% of the sum insured7. This allows you more flexibility to manage various life expenses.

    Which insured critical illnesses can be claimed multiple times under the Critical Illness Insurance (Multiple Cover)?

    The three major critical illnesses, including cancer, heart disease, and stroke, can be claimed multiple times. As for the other 35 insured critical illnesses, they can only be claimed once at most. The maximum number of claims for all insured illnesses is five, and each claim amount is 100% of the sum insured.

    How long do I have to wait before making another claim if I am diagnosed with a critical illness?

    The Bowtie Term Critical Illness (Multiple Cover) has a waiting period of 2 years, during which any illness diagnosed or serious surgery performed will not be covered. The waiting period of 2 years is calculated from the payable date of the last claim regardless of whether it was under the Term Critical Illness Insurance or Term Critical Illness Insurance Multiple Cover, and each claim must be at least 2 years apart.

    What conditions must be met for cancer, heart disease, and stroke to be eligible for the Bowtie Term Critical Illness (Multiple Cover) multiple claims?

    Except for new cancers, if the insured person experiences a cancer recurrence, they must have undergone active treatment^ within 12 months before the cancer recurrence diagnosis to be eligible for a second claim.

    Heart disease:
    After the first claim for heart disease, subsequent claims for heart disease must be for newly diagnosed and occurring incidents (such as newly diagnosed and occurring heart muscle necrosis), and the insured person must provide new diagnosis proof.

    Coronary Artery By-Pass Grafts or Other Severe Coronary Artery disease:
    After the first claim for heart disease, the Bowtie Term Critical Illness (Multiple Cover) will not cover any subsequent coronary artery bypass surgery or other severe coronary artery disease.

    After the first stroke claim, subsequent claims for stroke must be fresh diagnostic findings evidencing occurrence and diagnosis of a new event and of new or increased neurological functional impairment;

    ^Active treatment:
    Cancer directed surgery, radiotherapy, cytotoxic chemotherapy, targeted therapy or immunotherapy. It does not include any treatment given solely as palliative care or hormonal therapy.

    After making a claim for early stage critical illness, am I able to immediately make a claim for major critical illness?

    Yes, if the insured person successfully claims the Early Stage CI Benefit and is diagnosed with a major critical illness during the waiting period (i.e. within 2 years), we will pay the remaining 80% of the sum insured for the major critical illness. This means that the total payout amount for the two illnesses will be equivalent to 100% of the sum insured. 

    If the insured person is diagnosed with a major critical illness after the early stage CI benefit waiting period (i.e. after 2 years), we will pay 100% of the sum insured as a lump sum under the Major CI Benefit. This means that the total payout amount for the two illnesses will be equivalent to 120% of the sum insured.

    Can I upgrade my Bowtie Term Critical Illness and/or Bowtie Term Critical Illness (Multiple Cover) plan to the new Bowtie Term Critical Illness - Early Stage and Multiple Cover plan?

    Existing customers with "Bowtie Term Critical Illness" or "Bowtie Term Critical Illness - Multiple Cover" can enjoy an exclusive upgrade offer with a promo code when applying for "Bowtie Early and Multiple Critical Illness Protection". Please note that the 90-day waiting period for the new policy will be recalculated, meaning any illness or surgery for conditions manifested within 90 days after the effective date of the new policy will not be covered. Therefore, we recommend that you cancel the original "Bowtie Term Critical Illness" or "Bowtie Term Critical Illness - Multiple Cover" after the 90-day waiting period of the new policy to ensure that your coverage will not be interrupted.

    For the upgrade promotion details, please contact our Customer Services team:
    Hotline: 3008 8123
    WhatsApp: 3008 8123

    Operating hours:
    Mon to Fri: 9:30 am to 6:30 pm
    Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays

    Can I submit multiple claims for the Early Stage Critical Illness Benefit?

    Yes, the maximum number of claims payable for Early Stage Critical Illness Benefit is 5 times, which is equivalent to 100%7 of the Sum Insured, and is subject to the following additional requirements:

    Waiting period for early stage critical illnesses 
    For Early Stage Critical Illness Benefit, there must be a minimum gap of 2 years between claims for early stage critical illness. This means that within 2 years from the last payable date, any early stage critical illness diagnosed or early stage critical illness surgical procedures performed will not be covered.

     Additional requirements for respective early stage critical illnesses

       Up to 2 claims - to be eligible for the second claim, the carcinoma-in-situ must occur in a specific organ different from the organ of the first claim.
    ・Angioplasty, Atherectomy or Minimally Invasive Direct Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting for Coronary Arteries:
       Up to 2 claims - to be eligible for the second claim, the treatment must be performed on a location of stenosis in major coronary artery where no stenosis of greater than 50% was identified in the medical examination relating to the first claim.
    ・Other early stage critical illnesses:

       Maximum 1 claim.

    Claims after diagnosis of a major critical illness 
    The Early Stage Critical Illness Benefit will be automatically terminated after any Major Critical Illness Benefit has been paid or become payable.

    What should I pay attention to when submitting an early stage critical illness claim?

    If you are diagnosed with any of the 4 covered early stage critical illnesses, we will pay you 20% of the sum insured as the Early Stage Critical Illness Benefit, subject to a maximum of HKD300,000 of each claim.

    However, it is important to note that no Early Stage Critical Illness Benefit will be payable in the following circumstances:
    (a) The same Early Stage Critical Illness or Early Stage Surgical Procedure for which an Early Stage Critical Illness Benefit has already been paid (except for Carcinoma-in-situ and Angioplasty, Atherectomy or Minimally Invasive Direct Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting for Coronary Arteries);
    (b) A Major Critical Illness Benefit that has been paid or is payable;
    (c) Any early stage critical illness diagnosed or early stage critical illness surgical procedure performed during the early stage critical illness benefit waiting period.

    Once such aggregate paid or payable amount is equivalent to 100% of the sum insured under this Policy, or when Early Stage Critical Illness Benefit has been paid for 5 times, or when Major Critical Illness Benefit has been paid or become payable, whichever is earlier, this benefit shall be automatically terminated.

    What documents do I need to prepare when applying for Bowtie Term Critical Illness?

    Customers only need to prepare their identification document and credit card to start the application process.

    Do I need to undergo a medical examination when applying for Bowtie Critical Illness Insurance?

    No, you do not need to undergo a medical examination. The applicant only needs to answer a few underwriting questions about their health condition, and the approval result can be obtained in as little as 4 minutes. Apply now!

    Does Bowtie Term Critical Illness Insurance have a cooling-off period?

    Yes, Bowtie Term Critical Illness has a cooling-off period of 21 days. If you cancel the policy within the cooling-off period, we will refund all the premium paid.

    How can I increase or decrease the sum insured of my policy?

    If you need to change the sum insured amount, you can notify us at least 30 working days before the next policy renewal date. In general: If you request a decrease in coverage, we can process your request directly on the existing policy. If you request an increase in coverage, a new application may be required.

    Will Bowtie pay the claim to the insured person or the policyholder?

    The claim for Term Critical Illness and Critical Illness (Multiple Cover) will be paid directly to the policyholder. The Compassionate Death Benefit will be paid to the beneficiary.

    Do I still need to pay premiums after receiving a claim for critical illness? Will the premium increase?

    For Bowtie Critical Illness, only one-time claims will be paid. After receiving the claim, the policy will be terminated, and you need not pay premiums anymore.

    For Bowtie Critical Illness Insurance (Multiple Cover), which provides up to 5 claims, each for 100% of the sum insured, the policy will automatically renew each year until age 85 as long as you continue to pay premiums. The coverage will remain valid during this period, and even if you develop a recurrence of any of the three major illnesses, you can still receive claims.

    Bowtie will not adjust your premiums based on your past claims records with Bowtie.

    What are the procedures for policy termination?

    It’s very simple - customers only need to log in to Bowtie’s online platform and select the “policy cancellation” option to easily terminate their policy, with at least 30 working days in advance. However, please also keep in mind for the following 2 points:

    ・If you reapply for a new Bowtie Term CI plan after policy cancellation, you will need to go through the underwriting again. Depending on underwriting results, there may be “ additional premium loadings”, “specific exclusions for certain illnesses” or even a rejection of your new application.

    ・If you cancel the policy within the 21-day cooling-off period (starting from the policy effective date) and no claims have been made during this period, nor any claims are currently being processed, you will receive a full refund of premiums paid, including any premium levies.

    Have questions about Bowtie's products? Our Product Specialists can assist you!
    Providing you with personalized product consultations and commission-free!
    Service Hours: 9:30 am to 6:30 pm, Monday to Friday

    Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and Public Holidays
    By scheduling a consultation or WhatsApp inquiry, you acknowledge that you have read  Bowtie's Personal Information Collection Statement and agree to the use of your personal data for contact.
    For inquiries regarding existing policies, please contact our Customer Service Department:
    Hotline: 3008 8123 | Email: cs@bowtie.com.hk | Click “Live Chat” at the bottom right corner
    Bowtie Life Insurance Company Limited (the Company/Bowtie) is a limited liability company incorporated in Hong Kong. Bowtie Critical Illness Insurance, Bowtie Critical Illness Insurance (Multiple Cover) and Bowtie Critical Illness - Early Stage and Multiple Cover Insurance plans are underwritten by the Company and are only intended to be sold in Hong Kong. The above information is for reference only. For detailed terms and conditions of the product, please refer to the Plan Terms and Conditions and product documents.
    If you see a "+" symbol, you can click on it to view more information.
    1. Information obtained from 10Life Insurance Comparison Platform. Bowtie Term Critical Illness - Early Stage and Multiple Cover is awarded a 5 stars rating and ranks first in the Term Critical Illness Insurance category as 21 December 2023.
    2. For claims related to the Multiple Critical Illness Benefit, additional requirements must be fulfilled for cancer (newly diagnosed, recurrent, spread or continuation of cancer after the initial cancer claim), stroke, heart attack and other heart-related diseases (including coronary artery bypass surgery or other serious coronary artery diseases). Please refer to the Policy Terms and Conditions and Exclusions for details.
    3. According to a critical illness survey conducted by a reinsurance company in Asia during 2008-2012, cancer, coronary artery bypass surgery, heart attack, other severe coronary artery diseases, stroke, benign tumour and kidney failure contributed 97% of total critical illness insurance claims among Hong Kong women. The rest of the data is public information collected by Bowtie in various ways, obtained through mathematical calculations, and is for general educational and reference purposes only.
    4. Based on the data from the Hong Kong Cancer Registry of the Hospital Authority [Accessed in June 2023] and calculated by the "cumulative risk" formula.
    5. The median treatment time for lung cancer is 28 months, followed by 6 more months of rehabilitation according to a report by etnet.
    6. Information obtained from : cancerinformation.com.hk
    7. Early Stage Critical iIllness Benefit provides a benefit equivalent to 20% of the Sum Insured, subject to a maximum of HKD300,000 per Insured Person for each claim. The maximum total benefit amount is equivalent to 100% of the Sum Insured or HK$1,500,000, whichever is lower. This Benefit is subject to an Early Stage Critical Illness Benefit Waiting Period and a maximum number of times you can claim for each early stage critical illness. This benefit will be automatically terminated after any Major Critical Illness Benefit has been paid or become payable, whichever is earlier. Please refer to the Policy Terms and Conditions and Exclusions for details.
    8. Information obtained from figures on Long Term Insurance Businesses in 2021, 2022 and the first half of 2023 published by the Insurance Authority.
    9. According to statistical analyses from YouGov, Bowtie has been crowned the “Insurance brand with the most customers considering it to be good value for money” in Hong Kong for two consecutive years since 2021. Value for money does not just mean “cheap” - it also means that it can bring value and services to customers at a good price.
    10. According to internal data, 93% of our 165,000 interactions with customers since 2019 has been rated “satisfactory”.
    11. Current Bowtie Term Critical Illness and Bowtie Term Critical Illness (Multiple Cover) policyholders will have their plans upgraded. The revisions to the critical illness definitions and removal of the survival period will be aligned with the Bowtie Term Critical Illness - Early Stage and Multiple Cover plan. This upgrade will take effect in February 2024. We will notify policyholders about the relevant details.
    12. For a 35 year old male non-smoker with a HK$1M insured sum, the monthly premiums for “Bowtie Term Critical Illness (Multiple Cover)” is $187. With a 12% increase in premiums his plan can be upgraded to “Bowtie Term Critical Illness - Early Stage and Multiple Cover” with monthly premiums at $211.
    13. The Bowtie Pink VHIS Plan fully pays for eligible medical expenses such as diagnosis, hospitalisation, surgery and prescribed non-surgical cancer treatment (except in the United States), and is subject to the annual benefit limit and lifetime benefit limit. If the claim involves a Chinese hospital that is not on the list of designated hospitals in Mainland China / a high-end hospital within the list of designated hospitals in Mainland China / confinement in a room higher than the restricted ward class / pre-existing diseases before applying for insurance, the relevant compensation amount may be adjusted.
    14. Subject to policy terms and coverage.