Eligible Products
Enjoy one of the following rewards for each successful referral1
Any Bowtie VHIS Plan
Any Bowtie Cancer Medical Plan
Bowtie Accidental Medical Plan
Bowtie Term Life
Bowtie Term CI
Eligible Products
Enjoy one of the following rewards for your first successful enrolment in any of the eligible products with the personalized referral code of your friend
Any Bowtie VHIS Plan
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Any Bowtie Cancer Medical Plan
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Bowtie Accidental Medical Plan
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Bowtie Term Life
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Bowtie Term CI
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就近日冒充 Bowtie 的詐騙短信,Bowtie 已登記參與通訊事務管理局辦公室 (通訊辦) 實施的「短訊發送人登記制」。 由 2024 年 8 月 30 日起 , Bowtie 發送之單向短訊將以一個已登記的短訊發送人名稱 #Bowtie 取代現有的號碼。
As long as you are holding an in-force Bowtie VHIS policy, Bowtie Term Life policy, Bowtie Term CI policy, Bowtie Cancer Medical Plan policy or Bowtie Accidental Medical Plan policy you can get the personalized referral code after logging into Bowtie account.
You and your friends will only enjoy the referral reward once for the first application of any eligible products.
If there are more than one in-force policies in the Bowtie account of the Referrer at the time when the reward is distributed, the policy with the highest-premium amount will enjoy the premium waiver. The premium waiver will be effective starting from the next payable month.