Eligible products
Enjoy one of the following rewards for your first successful enrolment in any of the eligible products with the personalized referral code of your friend
Any Bowtie VHIS Plan
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Any Bowtie Cancer Medical Plan
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Bowtie Accidental Medical Plan
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Bowtie Term Life Plan
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Bowtie Term CI Plan
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Eligible Products
Enjoy one of the following rewards for each successful referral1
Any Bowtie VHIS Plan
Any Bowtie Cancer Medical Plan
Any Bowtie Accidental Medical Plan
Any Bowtie Term Life Plan
Any Bowtie Term CI Plan
BowtieCash can be applied to cover your eligible medical costs that exceed the benefit limit stated in the Bowtie VHIS Plan, subject to the campaign rules of the BowtieCash Program.
You will only enjoy the referral reward once for the first application of any eligible products.
You can contact us through our customer service centre, hotline, email and live chat for assistance with application, claims estimates or claims submission.
You can call our customer service hotline 3008 8123 anytime or email us at cs@bowtie.com.hk We value your feedback and will follow up as soon as possible. If necessary, you can book an appointment to visit your Customer Service Centre where our dedicated service team will serve you.